Good luck with your DAR. You never know....give him a few Amberbocks and he
may just let you have it. Literally!!!! Please give us a report later as to
how it goes.

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI 

-----Original Message-----
From: Mark Langford [] 
Sent: Wednesday, September 01, 2004 6:57 AM
To: KRnet
Subject: Re: KR> Thrust Line

Phil Matheson wrote:

> I have been looking for info on the correct thrust line, Others have
> about the
> T/L being equal to the top longerons, If I fit my engines cowls and sort
> he centre of the prop outlet, the T/L seems to be approx 1 - 3/4 inches
> below the T/L.
> Can anyone add to this.

The Corvair folks (including three that are flying now, Makish, Lester, and
Clapp) are using an engine mount that puts the thrust line 2.375" below the
longeron, and it seems to work fine.  I think I've seen something very close
to that in an old Newsletter, but most references point to the longeron line
as the thrust line.  Apparently either one works fine, so you're in the

The DAR comes today (he's up here signing off an RV and a Baby Lakes
anyway), but after a frenzied attempt to get ready, there's no way in the
world he's going to sign me off today.  There are way too many things to do
before it's airworthy (which is not news to me, but I needed a reality check
to make me realize it's not going to happen today)...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
N56ML at
see KR2S project N56ML at

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