-----Original Message-----
From: Bob Lee [mailto:b...@krgathering.org]
Sent: Monday, September 06, 2004 4:28 PM
To: KRnet
Subject: KRGathering Pre-Registration


This is a post for those of you that are planning on attending the
KRGathering.  Many of you have been contacting Larry asking about what you
put in the pre-registration or if you pre-registered or ....  It seems that
there a few of us on KRnet that suffer from senior moments.  Some are even
in the advanced stages of CRN disease (can't remember nothin').  To help
Larry with responding to these requests your webmaster has put the
KRGathering Pre-Registrations on the web.  To protect the security of your
e-mail addresses that are listed in the form there is a username and
password that you will need to enter to review the pre-registrations.  Go to
KRGathering.org and on the red navigation bar select the link to
"Pre-registrations".  This will bring up the pre-registration form.  At the
top of the form in the red navigation bar there is a link to "Review
pre-registrations".  When you select this link it will bring up a password
window:  enter the username "kr_nut" and the password "keep0ut" (that's a
zero).  This will then bring up a table with all of the pre-registration

Some of you have pre-registered multiple times.  We only show the last entry
for each person.  If you don't like what you put in just hit the link to
"Pre-registration form" and it will bring up the pre-registration form.  You
can fill it out again if you would like to change what you have already
submitted.  Remember, we only keep the data on the last form that you enter.
All previous forms are deleted.

We're doin this on a shoe string so there is no database to keep track of
your changes.  I will update the pre-registration review daily until Larry
decides to cut off changes.  At the top of the Pre-registration review page
there is a not indicating the Date and Time of the last update of that data.


Your KRGathering Webmaster

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