
Please strongly oppose a newly introduced bill by Rep. Anthony Weiner 
(D-N.Y.)  Bill (H.R. 5035) would require the Department of Homeland Security 
to create a method of screening all passengers and property on each flight 
of all passenger aircraft in the U.S., including general aviation aircraft 
of all types. It would also prohibit any non-airline aircraft from flying 
within 1,500 feet of any structure or building, and prohibit non-airline 
aircraft from flying over any U.S. city with a population of 1 million or 
more. It would further require that pilots of all aircraft in U.S. airspace 
remain in contact with the Federal Aviation Administration, presumably by 
radio, regardless of altitude or location.

I am a GA pilot and believe this is un-nesessary, over-reactive  and be very 
expensive, in the name of Home Land Security.  We GA pilots are reponsible 
and follow the FAR's. We can do our own policing, and we do.


Ron Eason

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