Hi All,

First of all, thanks to all the contributors on this list. There is always
something new to learn.

Which leads to my point:
I have changed the canopy on my plane. The result is that it stands about
15cm (6") higher than the existing turtle deck. Now I need to lift the
turtle deck.

The problem is that the old deck is actually quite well built, and I do not
really want to replace the whole thing. My idea is just to replace the
forward part, of about 90cm to 130cm measured from the canopy.

The resulting questions are:
1.    How do you blend the raised part to the original part that stays
intact with the tail?
2.    Is it safe to leave a break in the t-deck, or should it be one
continuous construction from canopy to tail?
3.    If it is OK to replace a part, what should the form be. Straight from
the canopy to the intersection, a "S" curve (like a Coke bottle), concave,
convex, or whatever?
4.    Any general tips would be welcome.

JC Marais
Cell: 082-401-5259
South Africa

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