When I wraped the edges I used a regular clothes iron on a medium heat
and went over the edges to get a crisp and tight corner. But if you try
it be careful of the heat.
Joe Horton 
On Sun, 21 Nov 2004 15:24:22 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time) "Dan Heath"
<> writes:
> Well, I learned a lesson today. Don't defy your elders. Larry F. says 
> to use
> finish (deck) cloth to wrap the aileron spars because it bends well 
> around
> the edges. Well, I am using RA cloth which also bends very well, SO. 
> Well,
> RA cloth does bend well where the area on the spar is wide, for 
> about 8"
> along the fat end, but then it starts puffing up at the edges. So, 
> thinking
> fast, I decided to wrap a layer of deck cloth over that, to keep it 
> down and
> it worked, but not without a lot of stress to me. On the next one, I 
> did
> what Larry said to do. I put on two layers of deck cloth. No puffing 
> and no
> stress. Anyway, job done and remember, don't defy your elders.
> This time, my results did not vary, however, as you already know, 
> yours will
> vary.
> See N64KR at - Then click on the pics 
> There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for 
> building
> has expired.
> Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC
> See you in Mt. Vernon - 2005 - KR Gathering
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Joe Horton

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