Well, no paint on the wings yet. I am hung up on these ailerons. There is
much more finishing and sanding and filling, than I thought there would be.
And now, I find that my old weights will not balance to 100%, so I am going
to have to make new ones. What a bummer. Would it not be really nice to just
have to do something, just one thing, just one time and be done with it?

I have found out one thing about the warping on the ailerons. Ours are as if
you had cut them out of Dan Diehl wing skins. They sat in the garage and
shop for over 3 months with no warping. As soon as I installed the spar in
them, they started warping. So, I took them in the house and the warping
stopped and even returned to mostly straight. So, I am keeping them in the
house until they get installed just before the plane goes to the airport. I
am hoping that covering them with paint, will stop the warping, but if it is
heating and cooling, then I have no chance and I still will never understand
why it happens to me and Jerry and not to all the ailerons out there. 

Anyway, a few more weeks of this sillyness and I can get on to the real
stuff. Our upholstery is almost finished and I am really pummpped about
seeing how it is going to look when it is all installed


See N64KR at http://KR-Builder.org - Then click on the pics 

There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for building
has expired.

Daniel R. Heath - Columbia, SC

See you in Mt. Vernon - 2005 - KR Gathering

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