FYI for those who want a PDF writer.


Sent: Tuesday, January 04, 2005 4:23 PM
Subject: FW: Help For EAA Chapter Newsletter Editors

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Troy Toelle []
> Sent: Tuesday, November 23, 2004 1:16 PM
> Subject: Help For EAA Chapter Newsletter Editors
> Are you looking for some more articles for your Chapter Newsletter?  Check
> out the Aircraft Building Articles in the Homebuilders Headquarters area 
> of
> the EAA Web Site:
> Feel free to use these articles in your Chapter Newsletters.  You can 
> simply
> copy and paste these articles into your Chapter Newsletter, we do ask that
> you include the author's info as well as the publication that it was
> originally posted in.
> More help...
> Paul Ray, Newsletter Editor, EAA Chapter 768 (Apple Valley, CA), has 
> shared
> some info about a useful tool that may be of interest to you (see below).
> Creating Electronic Newsletters using the Adobe PDF Format
> Attention all Chapter Newsletter Editors! If you use a text editor
> (WordPad), Word, PowerPoint, or Excel to create your newsletter, a PDF 
> file
> can be created to send an electronic version to your membership. PDF 
> writers
> can be expensive but there is a free version that I've been using for over
> one year without any problems.
> Actually, there is no such thing as "free software" but if you're willing 
> to
> put up with a pop-up advertisement when creating a PDF file, then you will
> save a lot of money using this free product. If you want to eliminate the
> pop-up ads, paying a one-time fee of $9.95 to the authors will get you a
> special "key" to turn off all advertising.
> Why use PDF files? An informal poll during the Chapter Newsletter Editor
> Forum during AirVenture showed that most Chapter Newsletter Editors want 
> to
> send their newsletter electronically as an attachment to email. If done
> correctly it saves a lot of time (printing copies) and expense (paper and
> postage). If a portable format is used then any recipient can read and/or
> print copies without any special or expensive software. Adobe designed the
> PDF - Portable Data Format - for anyone to quickly and easily print
> documents. All PDF files can be read and printed on PCs or Macs using free
> software from Adobe.
> Some Editors use Microsoft Word but I have found this to be problematic. 
> If
> the recipient does not have Microsoft Word the document cannot be opened 
> for
> reading and printing. If the recipient does have Word but does not have 
> the
> exact same fonts used in the newsletter, the received document may look 
> very
> different than the original created by the Editor. The reason is simple: 
> the
> font information is stored with the DOC file and depends on the receiving 
> PC
> or Mac to have the same fonts (and a copy of Microsoft Word). When a PDF
> file is generated, the complete font information along with margins,
> graphics, and pictures, are included in the PDF file so the receiving PC 
> or
> Mac requires nothing except the PDF reader. And, it's free from Adobe!
> The free PDF writer is available from It requires a PC
> running Windows 95, 98, 2000, ME, NT 4.0, or XP. The steps to download and
> install the free version of the PDF writer are very simple and require two
> major steps - download the two required files and save them on your 
> Desktop,
> and install the software. Each section, below, covers these two major 
> steps.
> For those familiar with accessing the Internet, downloading, saving, and
> installing files, you can skip all the steps, below, and go
> and follow the directions.
> Downloading the free PDF writer:
> 1. After booting up your PC use a modem or broadband device and connect to
> the Internet.
> 2. Using Explorer or Netscape enter the URL address: 
> If Explorer or Netscape is not obvious on the desktop (main PC screen) 
> click
> on Start and then look at the Programs list. Click on the web browser your
> PC has installed.
> 3. There are three products offered for download. Click on Download Now at
> the end of the Pdf995 paragraph. This is the first paragraph.
> 4. The new screen will display several boxes with options. In the top box
> labeled Pdf995 2-Step click on Download after Pdf995 Printer Driver. This
> creates a communication link between your system and the PDF995 web site 
> to
> download and save a file on your PC. This file is the printer driver.
> What is a printer driver? Simply stated a printer driver is the software
> contained in your PC that "talks" to your printer and converts the
> information on the screen into the various electronic commands that cause
> ink to appear on paper showing exactly what is on your screen. PDF files 
> are
> created by "printing" your document to a file that ends in the PDF file 
> name
> (i.e., OctoberNewsletter.PDF) instead of actually printing on your 
> printer.
> In order for the PDF software to act as a "virtual printer" a special
> printer driver is needed.
> 5. The next box that will pop up asks if you want to Open, Save, Cancel, 
> or
> More Info. Click on Save and another window will appear that is the 
> default
> location of where this file will be saved. This first line of this box is
> the location and should say "Save in Desktop". If it says "Desktop" go 
> ahead
> with Step 6. If not, click on the pull-down (down arrow) to the right of
> "Save in", and then click on Desktop.
> 6. The default name at the bottom of the window is pdf995s.exe. Click Save
> and the file will be downloaded and saved on your Desktop. This will take
> some time - this file is 1.2 mega (million) bytes long. When the file
> download is complete a new Window will open asking if you want to Open, 
> Open
> Folder, or Close. Click on Close.
> 7. In the browser window in the top box labeled Pdf995 2-Step click on
> Download to the right of Free Converter. This creates a communication link
> between your system and the PDF995 web site to download and save a file on
> your PC. This file is the actual software that will convert your Doc file
> into a PDF file.
> 8. The next box that will pop up asks if you want to Open, Save, Cancel, 
> or
> More Info. Click on Save and another window will appear that is the 
> default
> location of where this file will be saved. This first line of this box is
> the location and should say "Save in Desktop". If it says "Desktop" go 
> ahead
> with Step 9. If not, click on the pull-down (down arrow) to the right of
> "Save in", and then click on Desktop.
> 9. The default name at the bottom of the window is ps2pdf995.exe. Click 
> Save
> and the file will be downloaded and saved on your Desktop. This will take
> some time - this file is 3.1 mega (million) bytes long. When the file
> download is complete a new Window will open asking if you want to Open, 
> Open
> Folder, or Close. Click on Close.
> Installing the free PDF writer:
> 1. Close your browser (Explorer or Netscape). Close or minimize all other
> running applications so that your Desktop is shown on the screen. You will
> have two new files on your Desktop - pdf99s.exe and ps2pdf995.exe.
> 2. Double-click on pdf995s.exe and it will open and install. If you see a
> warning that the Converter must be installed, click on OK.
> 3. When the install of pdf995s.exe is complete, double-click on
> ps2pdf995.exe and this will be installed.
> Testing the free PDF writer:
> Open a Word or WordPad window (by double-clicking on Microsoft Word or
> WordPad icon) and load a document or type a brief text message. Click on 
> the
> File drop-down menu and click on Print. The Printer box will have a Name 
> box
> with a down arrow. Click on the arrow to see the list of available 
> printers.
> There will be a new entry - PDF995. Click on this and a new window will 
> open
> asking you for a name and location to save the PDF file. The file will be
> converted to a PDF file and written to the disk in the location you
> specified in this window. An advertisement will also appear using Explorer
> or Netscape (depending on which Internet browser is your default). You can
> close this window without affecting the function of the PDF writer.
> Did it work?
> If you have a copy of Adobe Acrobat (the PDF reader), click on this to 
> open
> the PDF Reader, in the File pull-down menu click on Open, and go to the 
> file
> you saved in the previous step. You should see your original document -
> font, margins, color(s), graphics, pictures, etc., in Adobe Acrobat.
> If you don't have a copy of Adobe Acrobat it is available for free from
> The link for this is:
> In the section on 
> Readers,
> click on the system you have (Macintosh, Windows, etc.) and follow the
> directions.
> Last step:
> If the PDF file you saved was your newsletter it is now ready to attach to
> an email and send to your Chapter membership list.
> Using PDF files is an easy and fast way to send out your newsletter.
> Assuming everyone already has a PC and/or Mac, the only expense is one 
> copy
> of Microsoft Word for the editor; everyone else can use free software to
> read and/or print the newsletter.
> Paul Ray is the Newsletter Editor for EAA Chapter 768 in Apple Valley CA. 
> He
> can be reached at

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