You can also test a scale model of a spar and obtain good results. Stan Hall 
discussed the methodology for this in an early Sport Aviation article, two 

Denny ...

Oscar Zuniga <> wrote:
Steve wrote-

>I would destruction test a pair of spars if I had the capability. I don't
>have any way of putting 4500 pounds of pressure on anything, much less
>getting the load distributed right.

Why test a pair of spars? One will do. And as far as a test setup and 
apparatus, check out and see 
if you can duplicate the high-tech test setup detailed there... PS; I'm an 
engineer and I find no fault with this type of "first cut" analysis to see 
if you're even in the ballpark. This type of test can be prepared one 
weekend and run the next (after cure). You numerical types may take 
exception, but I don't. If it fails in this type of "backyard" scenario, 
you've got no business flying it at Reno!

Oscar Zuniga
San Antonio, TX
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