Mark, As I was reading, I knew before I got to the answer what you had done, (or forgot to do). Why, ..because it was so familiar as a check list item on the Citation that I fly. The speed brakes will only extend at a particular power setting throttle position. Advance the throttles beyond that position and they will retract. I check that part of the system before every takeoff. That's a great feature for go-arounds when you have them extended on the final.
'Course you don't have the luxury of a power actuated speed brake, but you can rig a micro switch to the speed brakes and one to the throttle to activate a very bright light on the panel when they are extended and the throttle goes to some high power position. It would be only a little work and very little weight. And beside, a guy's butt can only digest so much seat fabric..... Other. I think it's great that you are having so much Yeeehaaa. And I really enjoy your dialogs. Kevin and I too have stayed at a Holiday Inn Express