Mark answered

> Two benefits to using staples is that once you staple it, you can
> flip the boat over as soon as you're done stapling  and all the excess T-88
> will flow down to form a nice fillet between plywood and spruce.  The other
> is that perfect contact will be assured.  There will be some holes to fill,
> but an hour of micro and sanding will hide them forever.

 Thanks for the replies all.  I will be using staples.  I was planning on 
putting on the tail section half of the skin when it dried then adding the 
front. guess I will have to live with the messy glue on the tail half.  Or wait 
and do both at the same time.  I HAVE TO drive to Aircraft Spruce on tuesday 
and buy ANOTHER 4 x 8 ply. Darn I still wont be able to turn the boat this 
week.  Again thanks to those that replied.

Steven Phillabaum
KR2S; 5048; corvair;
Auburn, Alabama

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