Speed in any plane is a function of excess thrust overcoming whatever drag is 
present in a given plane.  I am over simplifying but basically the less drag 
the plane makes for a given horsepower the faster it flies.  And drag reduction 
has MORE effect than more hp.  Several companies have done test after test and 
proven that it requires much more increases in hp to overcome a dirty airplane, 
than it does to get big improvements by reducing drag and get the same speed 
increases, using already available hp in the plane's setup. Why is this? 
Because it is very easy to increase cruising speeds and top speeds when going 
from say 80 knots to 120 knots in the same plane by just adding hp and maybe a 
prop change.  This is because the parasitic drag, or drag produced by anything 
in the slipstream is much less at lower speeds, and the hp increase is taking 
the plane from having marginal thrust above minimum to climb and cruise, and 
adding more than enough to cruise with hp to spare. Also, altitude has an 
effect based on the density altitude, and the friend may be reporting true 
airspeed, not indicated based on adjusted numbers.  Now take that same plane 
and try to push it up to say 200 knots. Horse thinking would have you say, well 
if I double the hp I will fly twice as fast, right?  NOT!  Parasitic drag 
begins growing rapidly above certain speeds in different planes, and in fact if 
the airspeed is doubled the parasitic drag is 4 TIMES what it was at half speed 
( FAA Pilots Handbook Aeronautical Knowledge ).  This is why double the hp 
increases the climb rate so much, because climbing is a function of excess hp 
over what level flight requires, and does NOT necessarily translate to alot 
higher cruise speeds.

Take 2 KRs: look closely at the attention to detail.  The one that has the 
cleanest airframe, the slipperiest paint, the lightest weight, smallest wetted 
area, least drag producing anything, and he will be the fastest for a given hp 
of others.  Troy Pettyway has one of the fastest KR2's, and also has one of the 
cleanest KRs.  Brain Kraut referenced a book written on this very subject 
called speed with economy, and is well worth reading to provide even more 
information. Look at a Varieze, 100hp and 200 mph cruise.

Colin Rainey
Sanford, FL.

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