
For the aileron bellcranks, I did exactly like for all other aluminium 
parts I make. I redrew the part under Microsoft Powerpoint. I use 
Powerpoint as the poor man's CAD package. The dimension of each Powerpoint 
object (line, square, circle...) can be specified accurately, and 
everything can be aligned and centered at will, so it works well and quick 
for simple shapes.  By experience, I found the prints to be accurate to a 
fraction of millimeter, which is more than OK for sheet metal. I usually 
print on sticker labels (but standard paper and glue would work the same), 
glue to the aluminium, then cut and drill following the drawing. I then 
remove the paper with acetone.

So, if you are interested, I have a Powerpoint template of the aileron 
bellcrank, as well as most other flight controls parts.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimùanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France

Envoyé par :
2005-09-21 21:07
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Remis le : 2005-09-21 21:08

        Pour :
        cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
        Objet : KR> Bellcranks

Doe's anyone have any drawing for the bellcranks for the ailerons that are 
better then the ones on the plans.Please email me them if you do at thanks in advance....Bob

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