Fred - My suggestion is that you ask Joe at Revmaster for his
recommendations.  As I recall, there are some recommendations Revmaster
lists in their engine documentation.  If you don't have a copy of the engine
"manual",  Joe will send you one.  At least he did for me.

Scott Bailey

-----Original Message-----
From: Fred Lowerre [] 
Sent: Friday, October 21, 2005 4:53 AM
Subject: KR> engine break-in

            I have a question for you experienced VW guys.......I'm just
about to get my engine back from Revmaster after a total rebuild.[New
cyls,pistons,rings,heads,etc] What has been found to be the best way to
break in the engine and get it ready for that first flight? What oil has
been found to promote longetivity and should I use a break-in oil like on
Lyc's and Continental's? And realistically, what's the TBO on these engines?
This is my first VW....still lots to learn........Fred.

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