I have seen published EGT never to exceed temps before, but only on factory
planes that have the probe in the same place.  What your maximum is will
depend on where the probe is and a little bit on how the air flow is over
the exhaust.

When you are leaning the engine you are looking for what the peak EGT is as
you pull the mixture back.  The actual number is not really that important.

When you are at your cruise power setting you want to slowly pull the
mixture back a little at a time.  Let the EGT settle for 5 to 10 seconds
each time you pull back a little.  You will eventually reach a point where
you get a peak temperature and pulling back the mixture any more will cause
the temp to decrease.  Once you have found the peak you want to push the
mixture in where it is 25 - 50 degrees rich of peak for a good economy
cruise.  Your best power setting will be about 100 degrees rich of peak.
You will find that your peak temp wil vary some depending on your power
setting, altitude, and outside air temp, but you can still find the peak at
any setting.

I have found that with exhaust wrap that it is much easier to find the peak
on my Midget Mustang than it was without it.

You will get some differences of opinion on weather you should run rich of
peak, lean of peak, or at peak.  If you have a good matched set of fuel
injectors like the Gami ones you can safely run best a little lean of peak.
When you are using a carburated engine or regular injectors that are not
matched and you only have one EGT you need to err on the rich side because
you might have one or more other cylinders that are leaner than the one you
have the EGT on and you can damage them.

Brian Kraut
Engineering Alternatives, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: krnet-boun...@mylist.net [mailto:krnet-boun...@mylist.net]On
Behalf Of Robert L. Stone
Sent: Friday, November 25, 2005 1:14 PM
To: KR Builders Pilots
Subject: KR> Engine heat

     I hope one of you is knowledgeable enough to provide me with
information I need to use my EGT gauge.  I need facts rather than opinions.
I am running a 110 horse Lycoming
engine and just had an EGT gauge installed.  The gauge is set to alarm at
1500 degrees and this seems high to me.  Can anyone tell me when climing to
altitude and thining the mixture what would be the best temperature for
maximum fuel economy and engine health.  I would also like to know what the
never exceed temperature would be.

Bob Stone

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