
As many of you know, I have an LED air/fuel mixture meter in my airplane,
and I consider it to be an invaluable tool for setting up the carb
initially, as well as leaning during flight, and even troubleshooting engine
problems later on.  I was doing a little reasearch to help a KR builder find
something similar, and stumbled across a daylight readable "analog display"
LCD version that is a mere $20, and ready to install.  All you need to
finish it is a $30 "one wire" Bosch O2 sensor and an 18mm sensor "bung" or
boss welded into you exhaust manifold ($14 from and
other places).  I've got to get one of these jewels, because it will fit in
the hole where my useless Tiny Tach now lives (well, it's dead, after only 4
months), freeing up the 52mm hole where my current A/F meter is now for
something else.  See  the bottom paragraph at and follow the two links at the
bottom.  I think all of my cars are about to have A/F meters...

Mark Langford, Huntsville, Alabama
see KR2S project N56ML at
email to N56ML "at"

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