Hello;  If you are reading this on Christmas Eve, you must be a die hard KR2er.

I am a builder in NH of a plans built KR2.  The airplane was started by me 10 
or so years ago and has met the ups and downs so common to us all.  Plans 
bought before the stretch version; modified to add two feet aft of cockpit and 
2" forward of the origional firewall. The concept is of a single person ac so 
there will be a radio stack below the instrument panel between my legs.  I had 
holes drilled in the panel for IFR instruments but have since filled them back 
in.  Plain VFR now.

The ac is well along (90% rule) on fixed gear and has a HAPI VW on the nose 
with a wooden (Wranke I think) prop.  Controlled engine start was today as we 
are having very non-NH weather.  Wings are Diehl skins.


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