yes i know that, everyone is very patient, already im
using a  program to translate some words that i dont
understand. Para mi, mejor en espanol jaja. (For me,
better is in spanish, jaja)

Today I had a meeting with a representative of the
Civil Aviation and he asked me for a certificate that
the KR2 is an experimental airplane.

I need this to obtain a certificate of airworthiness

Where I can obtain it, or who can issue this

 --- Ray Fuenzalida <> escribió:

> Don't worry about it Eduardo.  Everyone is very
> patient and there are many translation programs.  O
> solo podemos hablar en Espanol.
> Ray
> Nueva Orleans
> --- Eduardo Navarrete <> wrote:
> > hi netters, sorry by this trouble of languages, i
> > just
> > was answering an email of someone that in Spanish
> > wrote me(Quique from Spain). 
> > 
> > i know that not many people speak spanish (and
> other
> > can speak shuar and huaorani, wow) but if I need
> to
> > ask something, i will do it in english. 
> > sorry by this incovenience
> > 
> > Salu2
> > 
> > Eduardo Navarrete
> > Quito-Ecuador
> > +593-9-8243079 (cell)
> > +593-2-2344568 (home)
> > +593-2-2906898 (office)
> > "ANDEAN KR2"
> > 
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Eduardo Navarrete
+593-9-8243079 (cell)
+593-2-2344568 (home)
+593-2-2906898 (office)

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