        I removed the Sensenich over the weekend and returned it to Dan
Weseman(Thanks Dan) and reinstalled the Sterba that is now a 56 x 64
instead of 58x 64. I got a once around the patch to check it out just
before dark on Sunday then another 40 min yesterday morning and 1hr 10
min this morning. ( I dedicated 2 of the flights to Larry Flesner & Mark
Jones while they are on the ground to make them feel better-hope it
        The Sterba seems smoother to me now but is still more than I want
to get the rpm's up some. The climb rate is the same as the Sensenich but
the rpm is at 2550 now instead of 2950 and full power cruise is about
2925 instead of the 3500. And the top speed is now at 170 indicated
instead of 168 with the Sensenich.
        I think that I have finally solved my last nagging oil leak. The
top blots through the cover  that housed the fuel pump and is where my
starter is located I found that the washers had deformed when I had
torqued them and were leaking from them. I replaced the  washers and put
sealant on both sides of them and now have 2 leak free hours.
        I'll never be the marathon man that Mark L. is but I have a
pretty good month going for me. I have flown N357CJ 10 out of the last 21
days for 9.3 hours and 20 landings. Total to date is 26.5 hours and I am
starting to feel good enough about landings to go back to a steady flight
and stability testing program.
        Oh -- Forgot one thing- when I removed the prop I found that the
rear bulk head of the spinner was cracked almost 3/4 of the way around
and also deformed to the shape of the prop hub. So anyone thinking they
don't need to spend the money on a front bulk head for their spinner I'll
send you a picture. I was only a flight or two from buying the prop that
was loaned to me. I just know it would have been ugly if it had let
        I can hardly wait too get together with you guys this year. 
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.

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