Hi Bill,
I am glad to hear that you are flying. Have you got it painted yet? Looking 
forward to you coming over to Grenada in it. That should be about a 20 
minute flight for you. Congradulations and now I am goint to have to get 
busy.  Wayne Williams--Grenada, MS>
----- Original Message ----- 
From: "countryhomeprint" <countryhomepr...@bellsouth.net>
To: "KRnet" <kr...@mylist.net>
Sent: Monday, March 27, 2006 8:36 PM
Subject: KR> 1st official flight

> Krnetters,
> Today N880AB had its first official flight. It only took 14 years. 
> Lift-off was uneventful, climbed to 2500 feet at an airspeed of 110 mph 
> indicated at full power. Leveled off, power back to 2800 rpm with an 
> indicated airspeed of 140 mph. Had good control reponse and the engine ran 
> perfectly. I run a 2180 cc Volkswagen with a Sterba 54 x 54 prop. Did not 
> do a stall, however slowed to 60 mph with no indication of stall. Empty 
> weight is 635 lbs. with Dan Diehl wing skins. Decent to pattern was 160 
> mph., approach at 100 mph, over-the-fence at 80 to a near perfect wheel 
> landing. Tomorrow the speeds will be checked with a GPS, weather 
> permitting.
> I plan to have 880AB at the gathering in September. I will keep you posted 
> as to 880AB's progress during the 40 hour fly-off.
> Bill Page
> boliverp...@bellsouth.net
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