Seems that there is some carb heat discussion - Carb heat is essential  
esspecially with certain carbs.   My ( and I emphesize that this is MY  setup)  
as follows.  Corvair engine with a 35mm Aerocarb, No carb  heat, filter inside 
a plenum box inside the cowl.  The engine intake air  come from the warm air 
off the bottom of the engine near the oil pan.   First - the Aerocarb is NOT 
suseptible to icing as other carbs are due to its  design.  It is very similar 
to the POSA and REVFLOW.  An ELLISON looks  very similar but IS suseptable to 
icing.  Ive had 350 hours on the Aerocarb  and the only issues Ive had were a 
sticky throttle (fixed with stiffer cable and  not reducing to idle after 
flying at full throttle - a vacuum issue) and I had  some vapor locking early 
on - 
not actually a carb issue but reducing heat in the  cowl area. 
I believe that since Joe Horton has an Aerocarb and had some symptoms  
similar to my early vapor lock symtoms that his repairs are to be in line with  
reducing the cowl heat.  

Again - My setup - dont follow if you are not comfortable with it.   Some 
Aeorcarb owner have a carb heat box but from what I have heard - never use  it. 
The Aeorcarb does not operate well with ram air so steady cowl air,  though 
warmer, work the best.

Bill and 41768

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