Hi Joe,

Almost certainly it was carb icing, the evapouration of gas in the carb 
cools the throttle body dramatically, - even on a warm day.

In UK it is probably number cause of in flight engine stops, and the 
circumstances of your stop are exactly consistent.

I have had it happen to me twice, the first time on roll out  - only 50 
yards from the hangar, the other time I was doing a practice forced 
landing. It all became very real, and I ended inverted in a muddy field, 
luckily my Luton Minor being a sturdy old girl took only minor damage.

Tight cowlings are an old wives tail, the only way to stop it happening 
is fit a carb heater, or fuel injection.

There is a very good article on carb icing here 

Pete Diffey
St Albans, UK

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