OoooHHH Man Mark you got my blood pumping! It sounds great. You can most
likely figure on another 8 plus mph with wheel pants. I lost 3 to 4 mph
when I did not have a nose wheel pant on. I have also lost about 5 to 6
mph with warm weather. I was getting 170 to 173 indicated and now with
temp some 50 deg. warmer it is indicating165 at 3300 rpm.

Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.

On Mon, 24 Apr 2006 21:13:22 -0500 "Mark Jones" <>
> After work I headed to the airport and finished up my carb heat and 
> ram air installation. I had to make some mods and now it works like 
> a charm. At 6pm, I called for taxi to the active and proceeded to 
> runway 28. After a run up and a short wait for  a spam can to land, 
> I was given cleared for takeoff, climb to 2000' then turn on course. 
> I firewalled the throttle and the KR sprang to life. Wow, with this 
> new Sensenich prop and good cool air into the carb, I could tell the 
> difference immediately as she picked up speed really fast. 
> 40...50...60...65...70...rotate and she popped right up into the 
> air. I glanced over at the rpm and she was turning 3300. I settled 
> in at 100 mph indicated and had a reading of 1250 fpm climb. I could 
> feel the power like I had never felt from this engine before. At 
> 2000' I turned on course and continued to climb to 4000'. There I 
> leveled off and trimmed her up. RPM was now settled at 3400 and the 
> airspeed settled in at 145mph indicated. The GPS was reading 152mph 
> ground speed. I was excited at these numbers as these were better 
> than I have seen before. I turned toward my old home airport of 
> Hartford which was 19 miles away. It did not take but a few minutes 
> to get there. On the way I noted that my CHT was 325, Oil temp was 
> 200 and oil pressure was 40. The engine was smooth as could be. I 
> began a descent into Hartford and turned on a three mile final and 
> greased one in. I took a short break there, checked for oil leaks 
> and found none. Not even a drop on the plane. Wow, that was a first. 
> I must have done a really good job with the rebuild as far as 
> sealing the engine up. Takeoff from Hartford produced the same climb 
> out numbers. I climbed back up to 4000' and headed down to my house 
> 20 miles away. I passed over at 145 indicated but had a tail wind 
> this time which gave me 159mph on the ground speed per the GPS. This 
> is way too much fun. All I kept thinking was how much faster I will 
> go when I install the wheel pants. At one point, my rpm was 
> indicating over 3500 in a shallow descent. My tach only goes to 
> 3500. That was the first time I had ever seen the rpm exceed the 
> tach capabilities.Way too much fun....did I already say that? One 
> hour had passed and I decided to turn towards Waukesha (UES) airport 
> where I am now based so I called the tower and reported 9 miles out 
> inbound for landing. The tower told me to report left downwind for 
> 28. There were three other planes inbound at the same time and we 
> were all about the same distance out. When I reported entering 
> downwind I was cruising at 140 indicated and the tower told the 
> three spam cans to extend their turns because there was a fast 
> experimental in the pattern. Man, did that make me feel good. After 
> the tower set up the three spam cans behind me, a Citation called in 
> from about 15 miles out inbound. At this point I was turning final 
> indicating 120mph and set up on a perfect approach. At touch down I 
> was indicating 70 and made a turn off about 1/3rd the way down the 
> runway. It was neat watching the three span cans come in behind me 
> and then the Citation as I taxied back to my hanger. My KR made me 
> very proud tonight. 
> Mark Jones (N886MJ)
> Wales, WI  USA 
> E-mail me at
> Visit my NEW
> KR-2S CorvAIRCRAFT web site at
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Joe Horton, Coopersburg, PA.

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