
I think there were a lot of  '50s &  '60s model cars & maybe some latter imports
that had thes sort of devices in the interior fendor front side-walls under the
dash as well as the old late Subaru 360s & Honda 600s.   I think these cars may
be still made but whether you can get such parts for them here is something I
can't answer.  ( I had a '69 Subaru 360 and it had a cowl vent)

Don Lively

Harold Woods wrote:

> Hi Netters.
> A hot cabin is no fun. A friend did something about this when he built a
> Jodel D-11.  He acquired an automotive vent. This is probably from an old
> model car. It was the kind that opened a hinged door into the wind. It was
> often located in front of the car windshield and opened up into the wind. It
> was manually actuated by a lever.  He installed it at the top of his
> windshield.
> When you opened that little door up, ( approximately 3" x 5 ") you could
> direst a hurricane of air at your self. It worked equally well on the ground
> too as the wind blast from the prop hit it. Before any one gets too excited
> about drag, there never seemed to be any penalty to airspeed when you
> activated it.   There was a good gasket around it's closed position. Rain
> never entered. It was a simple arms reach to open/close it. His came off a
> car but you could easily make one.
> Regards,
> Harold Woods
> Orillia, ON. Canada.
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