
  I remember going to BG in the late 90's to look at a hanger queen Kr2..
Owned by a German guy who was considerably over 70 then.. Early in Jan
and it was cold and he was mighty grouchy!!  :-) . Wondering what
happened to it ?  

   Another fellow who flies corporate out of Lexington had one there
also... GA I recall. ?   He rolled it out for their flyin many
moons ago.. Jeff Duvall.  

   I have been bitten by the bug again--fly UL's currently---and have
located a Kr2 minus wings but with an 1835 Hapi .  Needs wings mainly...
Going to have a look at it later in the week .  I know that the rear
mounted aternator must be replaced... Herb 

On Wed, 19 Jul 2006 13:56:07 -0400 "Carter, Chris L \(Jefferson\)"
<> writes:
> Greetings,
> I am new to the list.  I have been looking for a listing/registry 
> of
> KR2s by location so I may contact the owner/builder for a "tour"... 
> I
> would like to see a completed one and/or one near completion before 
> I
> begin serious research on the building prospects.
> Is there a list somewhere that I have not found?  Are there any KR2s 
> in
> the Louisville area?  Many years ago there was one in Bowling Green 
> but
> I'm not local to BG anymore and I doubt that it or the owner are 
> still
> there either.  I should have paid more attention to it back then.
> Thanks,
> Chris
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