That's why the only ABSOLUTE (as opposed to RELATIVE) way to indicate CG 
is in PERCENTAGE of the Mean Aerodynamic Chord (MAC for alphabet soup 

Joe tells Bill his CG is located at 28% of MAC, and he can have redesigned 
the plane whichever way he wanted, we still have a reference based on the 

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Paris, France


Envoyé par :
01/09/2006 17:54
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 01/09/2006 17:55

        Pour :  <>
        cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
        Objet : Re: KR> the ONLY sensible place

The problem with that approach is "hand-me-downs"

Joe tells Bill that his CG is 23 inches aft of the firewall.

Bill tells Fred CG should be 23 inches aft of firewall.

Fred has extended his fuse and has his firewall 4 inches further from the
wing, but does his calcs and works out that his CG is 27 inches aft...

Based on wing leading edge there is less chance of misunderstanding


> Anybody can pick any place that they want and it is ONLY sensible, if
> they think that it is sensible.  If it makes sense to you to use the
> tailwheel, you can do it.  However, if you want to keep from making an
> easy job, difficult, just get one of the spread sheets that are
> available, check the formulas, and put in your numbers.  IT IS NOT HARD!

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