I found this article in Power and Performance magazine.  Some day this my
make it's way into aircraft engines some day . It interest me because back
in the 60's when I was running rocket engine tests one of our oxidizers in
some of the engines was nitrous oxide it's a kin to red fuming nitric acid.
A little goes a long way.  I would like to experiment with this some day in
an aircraft engine. Properly controlled it will work well to give safe HP


 While there has never been any question as to the wonderful power inducing
performance gained by injecting nitrous oxide into your engine, it has also
been surrounded by some total misconceptions.

So we're here to clear the air. The following are what we believe to be the
top three myths about nitrous injection and its effects on your engine.
Remember, if you have any specific questions about nitrous oxide, call our
toll free NITROUS HELPT line at 1-888-817-1008, and we'll be glad to help.

Myth number 1:  Nitrous will blow up my engine!
Simply stated, nitrous, properly installed according to the manufacturer's
instructions, will not blow up your engine. Today, nitrous is still the
easiest and safest way to greatly increase your engine's horsepower. Where
people run into problems is when they get greedy. With today's modern
nitrous systems, all that is required is approximately two minutes to change
the nitrous and fuel jets, which will add an additional 50, 100, even 300
horsepower. Often, beginners try to push the window, figuring if everything
appears to be running fine, a "little" more nitrous can't hurt their engine.
Caught up in the excitement, the novice nitrous user often forgets to make
the proper (and safe) engine adjustments in accordance with the increased
nitrous jet sizing. The most commonly overlooked adjustments include
forgetting to retard the ignition timing, not changing to "colder" heat
range spark plugs, and in some cases, not installing an increased flow
capacity fuel pump to deliver sufficient fuel flow. The result is a nitrous
system that is not correctly installed for safe operation, making engine
damage inevitable. As long as the installer follows the manufacturer's
tuning instructions and advice with regard to engine adjustments and vehicle
upgrades, they will have safe, reliable power gains that will not harm their
engine in any way.

Myth number 2:  Blowers and turbos are safer than nitrous injection!
A properly installed nitrous system offers virtually the same level of
engine safety as supercharger and turbocharger enhancements. Forced
induction engine kits are most commonly complete packages that include fuel
system and computer tuning upgrades. This allows the manufacturer to build a
safe computer "tune-up" into the system they provide. That concept is fine,
but adding all those extras dramatically raises the cost of the upgrade by
thousands of dollars. With a nitrous system, the manufacturer provides
precisely what is required to safely use nitrous, as well as detailed
recommendations when fuel and ignition upgrades are necessary. The beauty of
this information is that the customer makes the decision as to how far they
can go with their nitrous system based on their specific upgrades. A person
spraying a 75 hp shot of nitrous doesn't require a fuel pump upgrade, so why
should they have to pay extra for one? But a person that wants to spray a
200 hp shot will definitely need to increase the fuel flow as well as the
ignition system performance. When it comes right down to it, a nitrous
system is just as safe as a blower or turbo kit as long as it's installed
with the fuel and ignition system upgrades needed for the power level you
want to run.

Myth number 3:  Nitrous oxide is the same thing as nitro methane!
Nitrous oxide and nitro methane are not the same thing - not even close!
Many people, especially those casual spectators of Top Fuel/Funny Car drag
racing competition, think that nitrous and nitro are the same fuel. Having
watched their favorite racers explode engines while making a 300mph run down
the quarter mile, they believe that nitrous will also cause their engines to
blow up. Nothing could be further from the truth. Nitro methane used in Top
Fuel competition is a very volatile liquid fuel and only racing engines
designed specifically for this fuel can handle its huge power and
destructive force. In these applications, nitro methane is the main fuel
source, constituting as much as 90 percent of the total fuel burned. Nitrous
oxide, on the other hand, is injected into the engine in comparatively small
amounts and delivers smooth burning characteristics that enhance the fuel's
combustion process. Nitrous oxide can be safely used even with bone stock
engines. Whether it's a small 55 hp shot of nitrous added to a four cylinder
engine or a 300 hp shot added to a properly built V8 racing engine, nitrous
allows you to add just the right amount of power without fear of damaging
your engine.

Ronald R. Eason Sr.
President / CEO
Ph: 816-468-4091
Fax: 816-468-5465 
Our Attitude Makes The Difference!

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