I checked my spreadsheet and mine was at 44.36" when empty.  That is about 1
and a quarter inches in front of the forward C.G. range.  I'll send you my
spreadsheet directly.

Brian Kraut
Engineering Alternatives, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: krnet-bounces+brian.kraut=engalt....@mylist.net
[mailto:krnet-bounces+brian.kraut=engalt....@mylist.net]On Behalf Of
ralph h snyder
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 2:54 AM
To: KRnet
Subject: KR> Weight and balance

One more weight and balance question.
  Where should the CG be on an empty airplane?  My KR2 plans say the CG
envelope is 4" ahead of the aft side of the front spar to 4" behind it.By
moving my battery and ELT as far back in the tail as I can, I come out right
at the forward CG. When I load it up with pilot, passenger, full fuel in the
header and wing tanks and 15 lbs. of luggage I only move it back 3.4 ". This
is still in the front half of the envelope.
I do not want to use the back 2" of the envelope, but this seems a little
far forward.
  Where is the normal starting point, and how much does it usually change
from empty to full?
  I appreciate any help I can get.
  Ralph Snyder
  Burbank, CA
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