>Larry Flesner wrote:

> You don't have to worry about getting shot over prime rib this year as 
> there
> won't be any.

He Lee Van Dyke.....did you hear that. We got shafted again and we are not 
even at the gathering yet. You still coming to the Gathering since there 
will be no prime rib? If we are lucky, we may get some ribs. :-) Of course, 
I should skip a few meals since I think the weight Clapp lost somehow found 
it's way to my belly. I guess I will have to aim for 2007 Gathering to be 
skinny cause it sure isn't going to be this year. I just hope I can get my 
plane off the ground. :-)

Mark Jones (N886MJ)
Wales, WI
Visit my web site: www.flykr2s.com
E-mail: flyk...@wi.rr.com

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