Flight Testing Update 16 Sep 06

I've actually been flying quite a bit and needed time to put the notes
together for updating the operating manual.

A few of the flights have been nothing more than having some fun just flying
around getting familiar with the airplanes sounds, feels, and performance.
I can fly her in control with no issues throughout all ranges of the flight
realm from slow to fast, from climb to decent to slip and understand the
capabilities pretty well by now.  Engine is running solid with consistent
temps all in the green range.

Climb performance.  I have two sets of numbers now, but am not finished
testing.  I did the time to climb testing using a video camera for data
recording. The day just wasn't perfect for it with ground reports of winds
of 15 gusting to 25 at takeoff but I ran it anyway. Results were only fair
and I will need to run them again to get accurate data at the 90 mph climb
speed. The results were at follows


110      450

100      675

90        550

80        818

70        700

My actual rates of climb are better than my VSI. The VSI is lagging by
approximately 200 fpm. I also get the annoying dip in the VSI as I start my
climb showing a decent before it stabilizes showing a climb.

I've actually tracked my climb out at 80 mph several times and am confident
of the 800 fpm number.   This is all for single passenger configuration.
Should be able to run the flight tests for heavier weights next weekend.

Squawks:  Still working on the cowling attach points for reinforcement.
Just too much wear on them taking the cowling on and off all the time.  Two
minor points of oil leakage, one is at an oil cooler line which I can put
some thread tape on when I change the oil next. The other is at the front
prop oil seal.  Just some seepage, not a big enough concern to warrant
replacement at this time.

My friend Bob Gurski from the EAA chapter caught me right as I was heading
out Friday afternoon to fly and he suggested a photo shoot.  He managed to
get some really great shots which are now posted on my web site in the
flight testing web page. I'm sure I'm not going to compete in any categories
at the gathering since it's not painted, but it sure looked good in his

So far so good. I'm on track to make the KR gathering as long as the issues
continue to be minor and allow me to keep flying her.

Rob Schmitt

N1852Z KR2S

www.robert7721.com <http://www.robert7721.com/> 

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