Lemonade stand.  She'll make enough to cover all your fuel costs.

Brian Kraut
Engineering Alternatives, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: krnet-bounces+brian.kraut=engalt....@mylist.net
[mailto:krnet-bounces+brian.kraut=engalt....@mylist.net]On Behalf Of
william Clapp
Sent: Tuesday, September 26, 2006 7:54 PM
To: kr...@mylist.net
Subject: KR> Gathering for Kids

Just a question for those managing the Gathering this year.  Are there any
functions or activities that children could enjoy?  As you know, Elaine come
with me on many of my trips and plans to this year as well.  She wanted to
know if there were any activities (zoo and such) that she could go to.  Are
there women functions that she could go with?  If not shel'll bring her DVD
player and some books and kill grasshoppers or something.

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