Hi Colin

I agree that chewed teeth could send the signal wonky but surely you would 
replace that sort of damaged part before flight. In any case that is not 
really the issue. A wonky signal to the tacho from a tooth counter will 
never kill your ignition as it's completely independent of it. Using a tacho 
with or without diodes off the coil primary will always carry that risk even 
it is is small as you correctly say. I like medieval points also because I 
understand them and can easily replace them in the field at remote 
Australian airports if I need to. Each to his own circumstance I guess. Long 
live the diode :-)

John Martindale
29 Jane Circuit

phone:  61 2 66584767 (H)
             61 2 66869075 (W)
mobile:  0403 049990
email:    johnja...@optusnet.com.au
web:     www.members.optusnet.com.au/johnjanet/Martindale.htm

....And so the story goes that as many people as we have here on the net, we
> have experiences................. 

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