Hi, Richard.

The KR2 is basically wood structure and composite skin, right?

Well, wood structures, if taken care of properly, have a nearly unlimited 
lifespan. Keep the wood dry and it does not lose its properties.

Composite skins, we don't know really, because they haven't been around 
for more than 30 years or so. What we do know, mostly from the gliders 
guys, is that they can last for 30 years, again, if taken care of 
properly. Here, the main thing would be to shelter from the sun, I guess.

Serge Vidal
KR2 "Kilimanjaro Cloud"
Canberra, Australia

"Richard Mulford" <rich6...@hotmail.com>

Envoyé par : krnet-boun...@mylist.net
15/10/2006 14:31
Veuillez répondre à KRnet
Remis le : 16/10/2006 08:58

        Pour :  kr...@mylist.net
        cc :    (ccc : Serge VIDAL/DNSA/SAGEM)
        Objet : KR> KR2S Life Span

Hi KR-Net,just curious what the airframe life span would be for the KR.
If anyone could give me the good and the bad about this subject would be 
About to start building and was wondering about this subject as a friend 
recently had to have his Beech skins removed for a airframe service (a bit 

harder to do with the KR) as this aircraft was ageing.


                                  Sydney N S W


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