Today was my 2nd flight with "Shreg" (the green KR2). This time I was not 
so nervous. The fluttering that I experienced yesterday, after takeoff, 
happened again today and when I pulled the brake it stopped immediately. 
That is why you should do your after takeoff checks stupit. The rpm was 2800 
on take off and the climb only 400vt/min. Straight and level the rpm went up 
to 3000 ( the book states max. rpm 3200) with throttle full open and the 
speed increased to 160 mph. Well obviously I need a finer pitch on the prop 
for a better climb but then I am going to slow down the cruise. So do I need 
a fast one seater or a strong slower two seater? I am going to replace the 
prop sometime later with the Hennie Malan Almost Constant Speed prop and 
will compare the results. We are at 1400vt above sea level and I am not sure 
if it will be safe to fly to the highveld as I may not be able to take off 

  Anyhow the 0.5 hour flight was great and I even took time to look at the 

  The landing was again very fast on the approach and I could not get the 
speed below 90 by the time I crossed the fence. So this time I put the main 
wheels firmly on the ground at 80 and was about to take off again when the 
strong headwind helped to slow the plane down. I managed to turn around on 
the edge after the numbers. The starter motor packed up and we can not get 
the Limbach to start when it is hot.

  ----- Original Message ----- 
  From: "Willie van der Walt" <>
  To: "KRnet" <>
  Sent: Friday, November 03, 2006 6:27 PM
  Subject: KR> My 1st flight !!!!!!

  >  Hi to all you KR mad people
  >  Yesterday was a very special day for me. After I replaced the damaged
  > propeller ,that I reported about three weeks ago, I decided its time to 
  > it. The day everybody looks forward too. That 1st flight.
  >  I did about twelve fast taxi runs with the tail up over the last three
  > days. Yesterday at 17h15 the wind was on the nose at about 5 mph and 
  > 01 is uphill. After my run-up checks I went onto the center line and 
  > the throttle slowly and gradually until it was fully open. At about 60 
  > she started dancing and I knew she wanted to fly as much as I wanted to. 
  > pulled back on the stick and took off like a pro. The speed went up to 
  > mph and I kept it that speed during the climb. Just as I decided to turn 
  > downwind there was this vibration, almost like a buffeting, stuttering,
  > shaking that took place and I turned towards the field facing downhill,
  > looking for a place to crash. The Kruger National Park was right below 
  > and those Mopani trees are not nice to land in, not to mention the wild
  > animals. But just then it was as smooth as anything when I pulled the
  > throttle back to 75%. On the downwind leg the speed very quickly went up 
  > about 135mph.
  >  I turned base and pulled the throttle back. The speed did not want to
  > decrease. On finals I was still sitting at 120 mph. So on medium to 
  > finals I did a side-slip, that worked very well. Went over the fence and
  > numbers at 80 mph. Throttle closed and just flew the main wheels onto 
  > deck. One of the best landings I ever made. Shreg kept on running up the
  > runway as-if it was rocket powered. I was too scared to use the brakes. 
  > soon as the indicated speed went below 40mph I lowered the tail and 
  > the stick all the way back before applying brakes. I turned in the loop 
  > taxied back to the apron where a welcoming party was waiting. My legs 
  > jumping and there was no room for blood in my adrenaline filled vanes. I 
  > in the plane with my friends standing around me, all talking fast, 
  > and loud. Asking a lot of quistions and they did not know I could not 
  > out.
  >  Today the weather is bad and could not attempt another flight but I am
  > still on a high. I could not find the reason for the vibration. The prop
  > bolts are tight. The engine mounting is okay. There is no out of limits 
  > drop.
  >  Regards Willie
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