On Sun, 19 Nov 2006 22:12:37 -0600 "Mark Langford" <n5...@hiwaay.net>
> NetHeads,
> Joe Horton will be happy to hear that I spent much of the day doing 
> maintenance on the plane, rather than flying it.  He keeps ribbing 
> me about that promise I made that I was going to spend as many hours 
> improving the plane as I was flying it, 

        Good for you Mark,
        I don't have much time to keep after you right now. I'm in a
competition with myself to put myself into bankruptcy. After driving home
with Phil Maxson from CC # 10 I flew back yesterday to Florida to
retrieve my plane from WW's hanger. The forecast I had was for that
coastal low to move off shore. Not. I got about 90 miles from Massey and
turned around and went back. Again I needed to be back at work  and had
promised to be home for one of the kids concerts tonight, so I put N357CJ
back in WW's hanger and tracked down a flight that got me in the driveway
by 5 pm. I'll bet William was surprised when he got back from breakfast.
Good i have family down there to drive me all over the place.
        I did fly about an hour this morning and it was the first flight
since the prop balancing. Arnold said I might not really notice the
difference, I can say that is not true. As I thought about it as I was
flying I was really amazed at the difference in the feel of the buzz in
the cabin or the feel of the plane, It is hard to describe the level of
vibration change as I felt the plane was good before. The only thing I
can really feel is that the engine is running and the exhaust pules on
the bottom of the fuselage. 
Joe Horton, Coopersburg, Pa
(the only person willing to go broke to get to a free seminar).

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