Good Day to All,

I'm the lucky owner of the KR fuselage that just sold on Ebay - To begin
with, the fuselage is in much better shape than he disclosed in his
description.  The problem is that the person he acquired it from had cut the
spars off at the fuselage. So, I'll need to cut out the remaining spar in
the fuselage and start that part over.  He was correct the wings are not
from a KR - not sure what they came off of; however, they are truly junk;
so, I'll be building wings from the ground-up unless someone has started a
set they want to sell ( hint, hint).  The gear is for a retractable trike
configuration - the nose gear is already on.

The engine mount is for a subaru - Not sure what I'll use yet.  In the mode
of telling friends and relatives to be on the look out for VW engine for me.

No plans, so I'll need a set of KR-2.  I've called RR and left a message -
no call returned yet.  Any suggestions, do I just send her check?  Everyone
on here has indicated she's trustworthy, just slow to respond. Will she mail
them immediately if I send her a Cashier's Check?

Lastly, I've been reading the thread about time and flying the TD KR's; the
gentleman that I bought the fuselage from had this to say.  He had owned a
KR about 10 years ago and had nothing but good things to say about them.
His caveat as a 7000 hour plus pilot was get some time in similar A/C or
from an existing owner, they are touchy and quick to respond (that's what
makes them fun to fly).  I've got 150 hours all tri-gear in
152's/Pa-28's/172's - he didn't think that I'd have trouble flying her as
long as I do the time on the ground right, keep current and build her to fly

So, that's my story - I look forward to meeting many of you in the future
and if you're around the St. Louis, MO area, let me show ya!

Rick Sexton, 

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