I apologize for sending this to everyone, but my reply to the original 
post didn't go through.

I've only dealt with Wicks once, when I picked up my original purchase 
quite a few years ago. We were on vacation, and included a tour of the 
organ factory (I'm an organist) as well as the purchase of the spruce 
for the boat. We were treated very well, the wood and other items I 
wanted were loaded on and in the car, and all was as specified and of 
excellent quality. That was quite a few years ago, but from what I've 
seen on this list from others, things haven't changed any.

My suggestion to anyone who has a problem, or even a question, would be 
to call then and explain the situation. I suspect that Wicks will do 
everything they can to make sure that they have satisfied customers.

If you go to their home page, http://www.wicks.com/ you will see that 
they now have three divisions, and the aircraft one is at the top, above 
the organs. I wonder if that's where they are making their money these days?

David, kb0zke
Rev. 2:10c

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