As some of you know I have built a couple KRs in the past - am flying N41768 
right now and have helped or am helping with a couple other builds.  After some 
consideration and thought I have decided to put this idea out for your 
consideration and thought.   I have a 5000 sq' shop here at my house with a two 
bedroom guest house.  I have a paintbooth big enought to paint a fuselauge and 
all the necessary tooling for building KRs and engines.  I am located only 5 
miles from Valdosta Airport in  Valdosta Georgia.   The idea is this.  To make 
my shop and skills available for KR builders who are interested in building 
their planes.  For example:

   1)   A one week workshop on building wings.  You bring your outboard spars 
and during the week I show you how to jig and build the wings up.  You can stay 
at the guest house and we work all week and you leave with a completed wing or 
with the knowledge on how to finish.  If needed stays could be extended to do 
further work or complete the wings. 

  2) Perhaps a spar building week - I would have supplies on hand and we build 
your spars and attach fittiings and such.

  3) Engine build workshop - in conjunction with William Wynne have a Corvair 
installation or building workshop.  Help in assembly or test running. (test 
stand available)

  4) Fuselauge workshop?

  5) Final bodywork and painting

  6) Possible visit to your airport to check your project 

  So these are some of the ideas.  there would be a weekly fee - you provided 
your transportation to Valdosta.  I have the two bedroom guest house that has 
full amenities, barbeque and jacuzzi.  There is a pond for fishing as well.  So 
come as a couple or have a couple guys at the same time come down.  To certain 
builders an introductory flight in my own KR would be available as well.   Of 
course all events would be preplanned and discussed.  If this idea is of 
interest to anybody let me know.  I am willing to prep jigs and equipment to 
make this available if people were interested in it.  There may be some parts 
that are going. 

  Being self employed and having this shop available has been a great gift to 
me and I hope to be able to share with others.  It needs to be financially 
viable and productive as well.   If it would encourage others to get their 
projects done sooner and be in the air safely I think it worthwhile.  One of 
the problems that slows projects down is not having the tooling or skills 
necessary to finish something.  Many hours can be wasted on the interned or 
dreaming instead of accomplishing something.  I am hoping to help people over 
that hurdle into a flying airplane.  Make 2007 your year!

  If you have anymore ideas or suggestions please inform.  

  Thank you - Bill Clapp

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