I bought my KR2S plans in 93. At that time I came upon a partial project 
KR2 w/o plans. It was in the boat stage with the tail feathers complete 
and the forged mains that bolt to the main spar via an aluminum casting 
and internal bracing to the rear spar.

I build conventional rudder peddles with hydraulic toe breaks...  got 
married and divorced - she was not compatible with aviation ;-)

I wanted to add 14" so I removed the spars, and I was going to cut the 
longerons at about a 30 degree angle to add the length. It was to be 
between the front and rear spars, but build a new rear spar framing to 
keep it in the same position relative to the main spar. Any advice ? I 
was going to brace the joints with about 4 layers of bias...


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