On Sat, 20 Jan 2007 18:46:39 -0500 (Eastern Standard Time) "Dan Heath"
<da...@alltel.net> writes:
> That's funny.  I am using a mirror motor out of a Mercury Sable.  And 
> it
> works great.  For how long, I can't guess, but if it craps out, I 
> will put
> in a Ray Allen.  For now, this $5 servo is working just fine. 
> See N64KR at http://KRBuilder.org - Then click on the pics 
> See you at the 2007 - KR Gathering
> There is a time for building and a time for FLYING and the time for 
> Flying
> has begun.
> Daniel R. Heath - Lexington, SC
> -------Original Message-------
> The RC Servo trim system was said to be unsafe by the DAR
> so in its spot is the ELT remote panel.

The Ray Allen Trim Servo unit use a gear drive from a small electric
motor that locks where it's at when the voltage is removed.  I suspect
that  Dan's Sable mirror motor is very similar.  A RC servo has to have
voltage to hold a position.  The heavier the load against it, the more
amps it needs to pull and the more likely it is to fail.  If I found an
RC servo in the trim on a Tech Counselor inspection, I would advise the
builder to remove it.  If I found it on a condition inspection, it would
have to be removed before it gets a signature in the logs.  The DAR was
right on the money with his recommendation.

Jeff Scott

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