Thanks Mark, I really appreciate your input! I guess I'm at that point where
I'm making critical decisions on design, and not being an aeronautical
engineer I'm floundering abit.
   It's 5:00am and my wife just came in to the computer room to find me
sitting on the floor leaning back on a piece of plywood with blocks under my
knees, (simulating my front spar) a cup of coffee in one hand, and my tape
measure in the other. She just smiled and gave me hug, (I'm a lucky guy to
have such an understanding wife).
   I guess there's no real way of knowing how the balance is going to turn
out until it's done. All I can do is try and be cognisant that it's going to
have to balance out in the end. Take what info I can glean from others
who've gone there done that, and hope for the best. I've decided to go with
the 2",  as you've done Mark, adding an inch from A to B and B to C. I think
I'll go with an extra 14" bay in the tail, and cross my fingers. Mark L.
wrote, he thought one might go with the stock H.S. with the increased moment
of an extended rear fuselage. However, I'm contemplating going with both the
increased length and the larger H.S.; not only for the increase pitch
stability, but the larger H.S. would throw a little more weight back there.
I'm hoping with an internally counterweighted elevator, and the extended
rear fuselage, it will help offset the 2" firewall change. Here's hoping.
      Having long legs does present it's problems.
           Thanks Mark!
----- Original Message -----
From: "Mark Jones" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 6:32 AM
Subject: RE: KR> Balance-lengthening fuselage

> Mark Jones (N886MJ)
> Wales, WI
> My Web site:
> -----Original Message-----
> From: []On
> Behalf Of Russ Kendall
> Sent: Monday, February 12, 2007 12:02 AM
> To: KRnet
> Subject: KR> Balance-lenthening fuselage
> Hi everyone, I've been reading everything I can find in the archive in
> regards to moving the firewall forward to give me more leg room, (I'm
> 6'3"). From what I gather, moving the firewall forward is risky. I'll be
> going with Diehl trigear, corvair, wing tanks, my weight is 200 lbs.
> frequently fly with passenger.
>    I read where Mark Jones moved his firewall forward 2". I'm
> considering extending the rear of the fuselage back another 14" more
> than what the KS plans call for, as Mark L. suggests. How do you think
> this would affect a KR2S in trigear configuration? Or, should I just go
> with the enlarged horizontal stab., which I'm thinking would weigh more?
> I realize every plane is different, but I'd really appreciate your
> thoughts.
>      Thanks
>      Russ Kendall
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