>From : cláu...@itaroca.com.br 

A long time ago when building a KR-1, together with  two good friends (Homero 
Brandão and Matheus Abram), we did a big amount of tests regarding glued joints 
using epoxi resin (in our case case Araldite - TM  from Ciba Geigy).

>From tests we learned the best way to glue wood:

               Glue  surfaces cleaned an as smoth as possible  ( never  glue 
rough surfaces) 

               Soak the resin so as to obtain the  best impregnation in between 
 the fibers of the wood

               Do not put  too much clamp pressure to  avoid the ejection of 
all resin between the surfaces to be glued. We must have 
               a film of resin between the surfaces.

               Never put more hardener than recomended for the mixing ratio:  
Hardener  in excess wil not permit the right cure and re-
               sults in a kind of  "rubbery  resin" , very weak. For your 
information, normal epoxies will have full strenght after 72                   
hours of cure.

               Avoid to glue during days with high degree of humidity.

Regards for all,

Cláudio Holanda

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