        It has been pretty nice around here most of the week but this
working to live thing has really gotten in the way of good clean
wholesome fun (namely flying). On my way between jobs today took me right
by the airport and I just couldn't help myself. I took 357 CJ out for a
45 min joy ride. I flew around at just over half throttle, good for about
125 mph and tooled around the neighborhood  burning just around 4 gph.
The visibility and the view was great today and I did something that I
rarely do and that was to fly low even though there was no ceiling to
stay under. Most of the flight was at 1500 or just a 1000' agl. A little
bumpy at times but all and all just a nice time to relax and enjoy. Yea, 
I did go back to work just had to stay a little longer to finish what
needed to be done. 
         Spring is finally here and is it ever fun.
Joe Horton
Coopersburg, Pa.

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