I need to add to my previous email of a moment ago regarding Falconar Avia. 
I've just spent a few minutes perusing their website.  They are still 
offering the wood float plans.

And, Chris Falconar is also still involved with the business.  He's a HUGE! 
part of Canadian, and American, sport aviation.  Over the decades he's 
persued and promo'd conversions for the Corvair, the VW, and a couple of 
other engines including redrives.  He developed the HIPEC fabric covering 
method with eliminates the need for rib stitching.  He was extremly 
influential in making the various Flying Flea interations popular.  If you 
call him regarding the floats, do be sure to listen to him if he wants to 
talk.  He is a very interesting man.


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