
Thanks for your reply, you are the only one so far.  

The plans that came with my project are for the the std. KR2 and since the 
wings are done I really want to know that they are built the way they should be 
and there is know way  to tell.

What do you mean by "Foam Ply"?  Is that mearly a "Foam Block" extention 
epoxied to the plywood rib @ the end of the spar, sanded to contine the  fwd. 
sweep of the tailing edge and the continue the reducing rate of depth of the 
airfoil section to the tip? My wings have the pre-molded tips and the y extend 
beyond the trailing edge by an inch  to an inch and half or so (3-4 cm), which 
looks a little "Amatuer Night" which is why I raise the question.  

I was hopeful that one of  the KR2s folks  would shed some light on this.  The 
wings seam stout enough but it just would not do to have a tip fall off with 
the potential for making the bird hard to handle even though the loads are 
lighter out there.

Don Lively
Burlington IA

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Phil Matheson" <>
To: "KRnet" <>
Sent: Thursday, May 17, 2007 9:03 PM
Subject: Re: KR> "S" Wing Construction

> Don
> My Dan Diehl skins do not have the spar all the way, and have a foam ply 
> extension.
> I know is not a 2S but they may do a similar thing ???
> Phil Matheson
> SAAA Ch. 20
> Australia
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