Jeff, just so you will know, I did some tests with the same foam you are 
talking about. That foam has no peel strength. You can take a hold of the glass 
cloth on a corner and peel the fiberglass cloth right off of that foam with 
very little effort. I doubt it has very much sheer strength either.  Klegicell 
or Divinycell foams are much superior for your application. Just my thoughts.
Larry H.

----- Original Message ----
From: wilder_jeff Wilder <>
KR> project status

well all, I think I have a winner!  I've attempted to make a turtle deck, 
this is now the 3 attempt.

I dont feel the need to go into detail as to why the first 2 failed, lets 
just say that polyester resins melts monokote. Over a male mold... it looks 
great, after the piece is pulled... Um... well its not good.  It takes too 
much cloth and resin to make a free standing peiece, that doesnt weigh 18 

What I ended up doing was this:

I built a female mold, much like Mark L's first attempt. Mark said that he 
really could have used a vacuum pump to pull it up close.  I didnt have a 
pump either, so what I ended up with was....

I built this female mold, I went to home depot and purchased a 4x8 sheet of 
3/4 foam. I set my blade on the table saw to about 30 degrees. So to 
minimize the gaps as it curves around the shape of the mold.  This foam has 
a thin plastic sheet on either side. I ran the foam through the table saw 
and cut it into 3in strips. I picked up a can of 3M spray adheasive. I 
sprayed just enough to keep the 3in strips of foam in contact with the 
female mold, keeping the plastic sheet on both sides. The foam in small 
pieces is able to bend and maintain, without pulling away. Thus negatting 
the need for a vacumm

Once the entire surface of the mold was covered and the end pieces trimed, I 
pulled the plastic sheet off of the exposed surface. I then layed 1 sheet 
glass on the inside. After its cured, I worked the foam away from the 
plastic on the underside that has been attached to the mold with the spray 
adheasive. This took a bit of time but was not difficult to do.

Once removed, I mixed up a heavy slury of microspheres and epoxy to close 
the small gaps between the foam, its a minimal gap because the mating 
surface are mated 30 degrees. After a few thin coats of mico... I layed a 
single sheet of 8.5 oz cloth and a sheet of deck cloth ontop and epoxied in 

Why I thought to convey my method is it cost me 8 bucks for the foam.... and 
I didnt have to shave foam making a heckofa mess.

The final weight will be around 8-10 lbs after the bulkheads are installed.

for what its worth.


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