Steve Phillabaum wrote:

>>Mark I might bring my crank for you to look at and see if it is a 
>>candidate for use.? Also, I bought a safety shaft from someone but have 
>>not received it yet.? If I go with the new 5 th bearing do I still need 
>>it? I also have a new prop hub can I still use it?<<

If the crank can be turned down .010" (maybe .020") and is an 8409 and it 
passes magnafluxing, it will probably work.  Nice jouranl radii are a plus, 
but if it's not turned yet, that's moot because they could get ruined during 
the grinding if the grinder isn't careful.  That's a lot of weight to be 
carrying around an airshow!  The crank grinder is probably the guy to ask if 
it'll work, but make sure the guy you take it to is quite aware that you 
want the journal radii to be as large as possible.

If your cowling's not built yet, I don't see a problem with the prop hub 
length because it'll just put your prop a little further out in front of the 
plane (a good thing from a streamlining standpoint).   I'd think the safety 
shaft length could change, but that would depend on whose fifth bearing 
setup you're talking about.  I can't answer that one for Roy's or Dan's. 
Mark Jones or Joe Horton could tell you about Dan's, or it might be located 
on Dan's website at .

Mark Langford, Huntsville, AL
mail: N56ML "at"

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