Derek Wrote, 

"Im thinking I want to a trigear on my kr Im not really in love with the
taildragger.  Let me know if you think that would be a ok idea"

I think it's a terrible idea!  Not only will you ruin the looks of the
airplane (Look what a nosegear did to the Pacer!  Turned a graceful
design into the butt of many jokes!) but I see that Dan says it will go 5
MPH slower.  5 MPH slower at what speed?  Since drag increases in inverse
proportion to speed, that means the higher your airspeed, the slower you
will go!  

Why give up performance and looks just for some temporary ease of ground
handling?  You'll soon get used to the conventional gear and it will seem
just as natural to you as the tri-gear does to the tricycle guys. 
Pushing a draggy old strut around everywhere you go just doesn't seem


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