Hi Kurt, how much are they looking to get for the started project? I ask 
because I moved to a lake last year and my needs for an amphib are 
stronger than my desire to finish my project. Its a bit beyond the boat 
stage - the tail feathers are done and the spars are complete. It has 
fixed aluminum conventional gear and my licensed complete set of KR2-S 
plans would be in the deal. Not looking to profit but to get a start on 
an amphib plans built. I'm in SE Michigan though...



Kurt Clement wrote:
> I will try and make this short, but my enthusiasm for this group is just 
> overwhelming. We moved to Chandler AZ last year and discovered there is an 
> airport in our neighborhood. My previous experience with airports was limited 
> to LAX.  I couldn't believe people could drive their planes into their 
> backyards. So a friend at church has taken me flying a couple of times. On 
> one of our adventures we went to check out an old Cessna that was for sale in 
> Goodyear. In the back of the hanger was what looked to me like a soap box 
> kart. Boyd tells me it was the start of a KR build. What?! That was going to 
> be something someone would fly? Two people? So he had me look it up online 
> and of course I found this group. The more I read the more I wanted to read. 
> I started getting obsessive. My every conversation with Boyd would turn to 
> the building of a KR. I didn't even know that real people could build their 
> own plane. I read every email for this entire year. (I could
>  read about a month a day) I read about Steve's cross country trip, Mark's 
> deer strike, other Mark's sunset adventures. I couldn't get enough. More than 
> the technical tips which at first was overwhelming with foreign terms like 
> PIO, WAF, etc.  was the building and flying experiences which were so 
> motivating. I told my wife I had to do this. So she said I could offer to buy 
> the started project in Goodyear if that is what I wanted for Christmas. Boyd, 
> who is very enthusiastic about flying, became the voice of reason. He pointed 
> me to the last issue of KitPlanes and had me look at other homebuilts. He 
> suggested that I consider Sonerai or Mustang. I looked and I still am 
> convinced that the KR is the plane I want to build. Boyd is suggesting that I 
> take a ride in a KR before I commit. So that leads me to my subject. We are 
> going to be in Tucson on Saturday. Can anyone give me and my wife a quick 
> ride around? I would pay for gas or other expenses. If my wife
>  enjoys her ride I am golden on starting this adventure. I am so convinced 
> that I want to do this that anything short of a crash would seal the deal for 
> me. 
> Thanks,
> Kurt Clement
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