Mark ,

I am constantly learning or remembering lessons learned by reading your 
posts. In this case , I am reminded of something I learned long ago, but 
had forgotten....90% of all engine problems or failures occur during the 
first or a subsequent power reduction. My own uneventfull engine 
failures over the 30yrs of  my flying confirm those statistics.
Thank You for the reminder!

John Edwards at

Mark Langford wrote:
>   It occured to me afterwards that in the interest of preserving my own butt, 
> I never touched the throttle or mixture once I got to the altitude I was 
> planning on flying at...about 2000'.  I did a lot of turns and whipping back 
> and forth, but didn't mess with those knobs on the panel.   If I don't pull 
> or push on those cables, they're not going to come loose and leave me in a 
> compromising position.  
> Mark Langford
> N56ML "at"
> website at 
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