35c( 95f) up to 45c (113f)

Sounds like southern Arizona (USA) in our summer!!


That would be true, we now have temps to 123 f,  60 +mph winds, 50 ++ dead 
and climbing from 1/3 of Victoria ravished by bush fires , heaps of houses 
and some towns completely wiped out. And smoke visibility only a few hundred 

KR related, still to hot and windy to fly. my KR2 now has 150 hours on the
Hobbs, I fly a few other aircraft from time to time, and as many have said,
NOTHING flies like a KR2.

Nothing I love better than to turn short final at 500 agl, slid slip at 70 
kts to run way , kick in rudder and make a great landing, What a magnificent 
little aircraft, can not wait to see what my new KR2ss will be like, but
again, just TOO hot the get in the workshop.

Keep building, it will be worth the effort.

Phil Matheson
SAAA Ch. 20  http://www.saaa20.org/

EMAIL:   phillipmathe...@bigpond.com
KR Web Page: www.philskr2.50megs.com

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